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To the official page of Sport Club for Integration (S.C.I.) "Vitosha".
If you are interested in sports and care for the integration of visually challenged people in Bulgaria, than you are in the right spot. We hope you will find interesting the information regarding our activities and you will visit our photo gallery and review the videos posted. We will be grateful to receive any feedback or suggestions.
Last news
International goalball tournament Open cup of Bulgaria 2014
“Bolid”, Sofia won the Cup of Bulgaria 2014
International goalball tournament Open cup of Bulgaria 2013
Bulgaria won the Cup of Bulgaria 2013
International goalball tournament Open cup of Bulgaria 2012
Czech Republic won the Cup of Bulgaria 2012

Learn more about...
What is Goalball?
After the end of Second World War (1945) many people have gained a long-lasting disability until the end of their lives. A big part of them have been with visual impairment. There has been a necessity of their rehabilitation and resocialization because it is well known that as older one is, as more difficult it is to manage to adapt him to the gained disability. One way for the visually impaired war veterans was the interesting and entertaining sport goalball.

All sport activities of Sport Club for integration Vitosha are held according to rules approved on international, national and club level.